Hide it in your heart.

Michelle caught me in the foyer this morning after church. She’s a high school student who listened to Louie Giglio at camp this past week. She said, “Hey Pastor Brooklyn, I’ve got something to tell you.”. When a teenage girl in my youth group says something like that I usually brace myself for the worst so I won’t be shocked or need help picking myself off of the floor. She paused for too long before she started talking so I was wondering what on earth she would need to tell me–three inches from my face–that early in the morning. But then she did the most remarkable thing–she started quoting nearly the entire book of Philippians, some of Colossians, and a bunch of scriptures from the Psalms. It was a beautiful and astounding thing. When Louie challenged everyone to memorize Scripture, she took him seriously–went home and immediately looked up an computer application to help her memorize Bible verses everyday. Michelle is awesome. Teenagers are awesome. Thanks Louie for starting something awesome in our midst.

I can’t wait for our new high school pastor and his family to get here. They are going to love these kids so much.

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