Middle School Drama-tude

Last night after middle school worship some students were standing in a circle in the gym (my first clue). We had just finished a message on taming our inner “monsters”. What happened next was a lesson in irony and illustrates the depths of middle school drama.

I noticed one of the smaller girls had a pretty frustrated look on her face as she stood opposite one of the boys (also small but a bit larger than her). He must have provoked her pretty bad because the next thing I knew she had slapped him in the face. What!? I walked over to them as she burst into tears–said I’m sorry–then ran away. I was wondering how much damage she could have possibly done but that’s when I saw the blood on the kids lip and teeth. I guess the boys had been poking fun at her during the service and she finally got fed up. The dude turned out to be ok–but her swing must have landed at just the right angle to bust the inside of his lip.

What a night!

P.S. My super hero powers that I ordered from Youth Specialties and Simply Youth Ministry have been back-ordered. Maybe they’ll come in time for the next “circle-time” in the gym. šŸ™‚

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